Apologies for the hiatus, Noodles fans! I've been so busy for the past few months I haven't wanted to update. It's been a bit of a whirlwind but I'll catch up.
For the winter holidays, I visited my hometown in Huntington Beach, California (pictures to come), where I was able to catch up with family and friends, drink egg nog and snuggle with my dog on the floor. His hair is still all over my sweaters.
When I had to head back to Japan, honestly, I was pretty broken hearted. It was so strange to be home, and know that I didn't really live there anymore. Home was now, well, Japan. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's just hard sometimes. It's isolating.
I returned to Japan last Wednesday. It was a little bit hard being back. I had caught a nasty cold, which that certainly didn't help things.
So, this weekend, to battle my just-left-California blues, my boyfriend and I took a mini roadtrip to Kumamoto for the evening.

Leaving my house just after breakfast (which ended up being about 11:30am), we drove the three hour journey to have a little change of scenery. We visited Kumamoto Castle, had boiling hot nabe, and ended the night at a restaurant that may or may not have been named "I love steak, I love beer." We looked at kooky shops, strolled (as I shivered) through the city streets and had a coffee to warm us up afterwards.
Home can be a lot of different places, I guess. It's okay to not know where you belong, as long as you have good people who love you and warm coffee to keep you feeling grateful.
I've got that, so I guess I'm doing alright.
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