Okinawa. White sand beaches and sunsets and fancy fruit drinks. Not a bad place to spend a vacation. Considering it's only about an hour and a half flight from Kyushu, Alex and I decided to make the trip this past August.
I had visited Okinawa before, in 2014, during winter vacation. However, due the slightly colder than beach-appropriate weather then, I thought it would be nice to give Okinawa another chance.
We left all our planning until the last minute, which was sort of a bad idea. We ended up having to rent a super expensive family sized room on the top floor of a resort hotel. Everything else was sold out.
But in the end, it wasn't a problem. We made the most of it, lazing on the beach all day, looking out over the island, and dancing around in the hotel room at night.
It had a pretty sweet speaker system and a tatami dance floor. What's not to love?

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